Training: Fullstack Angular with NestJS

Go Fullstack with Angular and NestJS
NestJS brings the concepts of Angular to the backend
2 days
Next event
Fall 2023
Angular knowledge required
Remote & In-House
English / German
Price from

Manfred Steyer, GDE

is Google Development Expert (GDE), and has published books at O'Reilly, Microsoft Press, and Hanser and writes for Heise Online, windows.developer and the Java magazine. He also regularly shares his knowledge at conferences

Angular & NestJS Workshop

Today, Fullstack developers must find their way in a jungle of different technologies. It’s exciting and tedious at the same time.

NestJS proves that it doesn’t have to be that way, as it brings the concepts of Angular to the backend. Based on NodeJS, it lets you solve typical backend tasks, such as database access, authentication, or providing “REST” services. Due to the similarity to Angular, this works without constant rethinking. In addition, this approach allows code sharing.

In this seminar, you will learn how to use this very attractive approach in your projects.

The course of the training at a glance!

First steps
  • Node.js & NPM basics
  • Basic TypeScript concepts
  • RESTful APIs with express.js
  • Using the Nest CLI
  • Handling requests with Controllers
  • Implementing reusable logic and facades with Services & Dependency Injection (DI)
  • Structuring applications with Modules
  • Securing routes with Guards
  • Aspect-oriented Programming with Interceptors
  • Transforming data with Pipes
  • Reusable logic in the request-response cycle with Middlewares
  • Handling errors with Exception Filters
  • Using relational databases with Nest.js
  • Document-based NoSQL databases with MongoDB
  • Creating RESTful APIs
  • Data transfer objects (DTOs)
  • API validation
  • Unit testing with Jest
  • Integration testing with Supertest
  • Structuring your application
  • Reusable business logic with service facades
  • Domain-driven design (DDD) and Microservices architecture
  • API documentation with Swagger
  •  Comparison with Angular concepts and building blocks
  • Code sharing between Angular and NestJS
  • Consuming a REST API

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All of our workshops are also available remotely or in-house at any time.
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FAQs on our workshops

How do your workshops and courses work?

Our seminars around Angular are a mixture of lecture, live coding and actual exercises. Together we implement what we have learned during the workshop directly on a example project. This mixture guarantees that the course never gets boring and “hands-on” is required instead of gray theory.

Our Angular hands-on workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to develop applications with Angular in the future or is already doing so and now wants to better understand the background, context and building blocks of the framework.

Participants should have basic knowledge of web development (basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript).

For advanced Angular developers we offer advanced seminars and intensive trainings on specific use cases.

Our trainings take place as public workshops in seminar rooms at central hotels in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In-House company workshops take place at your office or conference room.

All courses are also available as remote workshops, where we meet online in a virtual classroom and do the training via video calls, screen sharing and live coding.

Our workshops are held by experienced trainers and software architects. In recent years, we have provided Angular training to well-known companies – including well-known banks, insurance companies, industrial groups. Trainers include well-known conference speakers, authors of books and professional articles, bloggers, Google Developer Experts and university lecturers.

Especially for dedicated company trainings, we are happy to accommodate you. Typical times are 9:00AM to 4:30PM / 5:00PM. Some of our English-language workshops are timed so that you can also attend at US friendly times.

Absolutely. In fact, since the pandemic, this has been our main business model and we have had very good experience with it. We use a combination of screen sharing, interactive online whiteboards, and are happy to connect to your computer for support during the exercises if you wish. As with our on-site training, we use a combination of short presentations, discussions, live coding and hands-on labs.

Since there is no travel involved, you also save time and money. We can also respond more flexibly to your scheduling needs.

Yes, very much so. In fact, that’s one of the benefits of dedicated corporate training. You are welcome to weight, shorten or add to our agenda proposals. As a rule, we also coordinate with your trainer about 2 weeks before the training. If you wish, we can also arrange it earlier.

Among other things, Angular’s wide distribution speaks for itself, but also the fact that Google, an Internet giant that also uses the framework very intensively, is behind it. Google alone has over 2600 solutions based on it. Due to the wide distribution, there is a large community and thus a lot of know-how on the market as well as (free and commercial) products that are adapted to Angular. In addition, Angular provides much of what you need for large applications out of the box: test automation, form management, routing, etc. In this respect, you get a stack whose components are coordinated and work together in the long term.

The good news up front is that participants with different levels of prior knowledge are the rule, not the exception, in adult education. That’s why you’ll find optional fade-in hints and bonus exercises on our exercise sheets, for those who are a little faster. Of course, we also provide personal support for the exercises.

If you book a company training with us, we leave this decision to you in principle. However, experience shows that there should not be more than 15 participants, especially since a seminar lives very much from questions, discussions and practical exercises.

Please install the following software packages on your computer:

– NodeJS in current version (we test with current LTS version).
– Angular CLI (npm i -g @angular/cli)
– Git
– Visual Studio (free) or WebStorm/IntelliJ (commercial)


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